Birds of a Feather


May 19, 2013

My how time does fly!

I've been working on a newsletter today and thought it would be a good idea to update my blog today, too.

Everybody here at Birds is ready for summer and all that it means... gardens... vegetable and flower, outdoor parties, lots of new birds at our feeders and warmer weather! We have so many different types of hummingbirds that visit that I have planted an entire perennial garden just for them... it is actually easier than filling the nectar feeders every day. Being at a little higher elevation means highs of around 90 and perfect sleeping weather at night of about 50 degrees! And very few bugs!

We are also looking forward to having lots of visitors this summer... friends and families, as well as those of you looking for a new place to call home! We have recently reduced the prices of ALL of our re-sale lots in Phase I, so now is the perfect time to take advantage of historically low interest rates to finance your future home site or maybe even take out a construction loan and start building this summer. We have recently

amended our covenants to allow for a much smaller home that I have been talking about for months and have finally finished the design. The floor plan is now available on our website and we are ready to start building them. The "Little Houses" have an open floor plan of approximately 900 sq. ft., are super energy efficient, charming, cozy and perfect for retirement downsizing for singles or couples or even a second home! You may have a single or double car garage and you may also make any interior changes to the floor plan that you would like to better suit your needs.

Of course, there are many other floor plans to choose from that range from 1275 to 1625 sq. ft. or you may build a custom home of up to 3000 sq. ft. on lots of up to 3 acres. There are options to suit just about everyone's tastes!

We would love to have you visit us... tour our homes and meet our residents. Summer

brings lots of wonderful events to Santa Fe... from Indian Market, Folk Art Market, Spanish Market and Farmer's Market to the World Class Santa Fe Opera and outdoor sports such as white-water rafting, horseback riding and golfing. I would be happy to assist you in finding accommodations and planning fun events for your trip. Just send me an e-mail or give me a call. I look forward to meeting you!

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