Birds of a Feather


Oct 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I can't believe that I haven't done a news update since August! Time flies when you're having fun! We are now over 50% sold out with 10 of 18 lots sold! I'm really excited that the first three homes being built in the community will be EcoNests... mine, Catherine & Jan (lot 5) and Ellen & Susan (lot 18)! EcoNests are environmentally friendly, healthy homes that are now featured in our community! Each time we build an EcoNest it will include a workshop on Building for Health Naturally: How to Create an Authentic Home! For more information about EcoNests or the workshops offered, please visit

I have been very busy designing my EcoNest and showing the property! I have also recently completed the last two wells in Phase I, so we are ready to start building homes next spring! It feels great to finally be moving into the next step of building community... homes and people moving into the community!

Please call or write if you have any questions about our community. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have or schedule a visit!

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