Birds of a Feather


Nov 7, 2005

Pictures from September

I finally got around to uploading the pictures from our September gathering of future residents! It just happened that several out-of-town lot owners were going to be in the Santa Fe area at the same time in September, so I organized a gathering. We got together in the afternoon... everyone got to meet and do a walking tour of each others lots followed by a pot-luck dinner! It was great fun!

Lot 13 was put under contract yesterday by a couple from California... Pat & Colleen. Welcome! There are only 7 lots left to be sold in Phase I... 3 Casitas and 4 single-family lots! Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of Phase I... I anticipate that Phase II lots won't be available for another couple of years since I have to go through the subdivision approval process yet again!

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