Birds of a Feather


Nov 29, 2003

Website problems solved

I apologize for the lengthy delay between news updates. I have been experiencing problems with new website software which are now resolved.

Since the last update, the opposition filed a petition with the State Court of Appeals requesting that they hear the appeal. Court of Appeals does not have to hear every case and on Monday, November 24th, they denied the petition which means they refused to hear the case!

The last hurdle is the State Supreme Court if the opposition chooses to file yet another appeal of the lower court's decision. I remain confident that we will prevail and the end is in sight. Again, thank you for all of your support and encouragement through this lengthy legal process. I remain committed to making this community a reality!

My attorney and I have been working with the County to prepare all of the documents necessary to file my final plat and begin lot and home sales. Please check back periodically for the most recent news and if you haven't yet signed up for our online newsletters, you can find a link to the submission form on the top of this page. We will be sending newsletters every few months now that the legal battle is almost over and we can begin creating the community!

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