Birds of a Feather


Oct 12, 2002

Snapshot of the latest news

Sorry for the long delay between updates. I have been very busy showing the property and finishing up several very important projects. I will be sending an online newsletter this week with more details on progress, but here is a "snapshot" of the latest news.

We have been working closely with Century Bank in Santa Fe for the past several months to obtain a line of credit for infrastructure improvements. The last major hurdle in the process of getting approval was a commercial appraisal. It was an extremely challenging process because of the lack of any comparable communities in the country, but in the end, we received approval for the full line of credit requested in our application!!

Progress has also been made on building roads in the community. We just recently completed the clearing and shaping of all roads and they turned out exceptionally well, thanks to the talented work of Pecos Trail Contractors!

Last, but not least, we have finally resolved an appeal of our final approval that was filed by our opposition last May. There are a handful of local residents opposed to any change/development in the area. They appealed the approval on a technical issue related to a water permit for subdivisions with over 20 lots. Rather than spend more time and thousands of dollars (more) fighting the appeal, we have cut the number of lots in the community to a total of nineteen (18 residential and1 for the remainder of the property). A hearing is scheduled for November 25th, at which time we will ask the County to amend our final plat.

After a successful hearing, we should finally be able to move forward and begin lot sales in January 2003! It has been a long and difficult journey, but well worth the wait! Because of all of the continued delays, we just recently began taking lot reservation deposits. So far, there are deposits on four of the single family lots and a few more women currently considering reservations on specific lots! It has been great to finally meet some of the future residents of Bird's new community! They are very interesting and talented women! We will be creating a "Future Resident's" page with pictures in the near future so you can "meet" them.

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