Birds of a Feather


Mar 3, 2002

Positive changes

There have been lots of positive things happening since the last update. We have been very busy working with various contractors on getting bids for the infrastructure work such as roads and wet and dry utilities. The bids are even starting to come in! We have also been in discussions with home builders to finalize plans for the casitas and single-family homes. All of the roads have been staked and even some of the lot corners!

We have also completed the first draft of the brochure and we're still hoping to have it ready for printing in the next month or so when prices of lots and homes should finally be available.

We are planning on appearing before the County Commissioners for Final Plat approval on Tuesday, March 12 if all of the State agencies have responded to our application before then. Please send all of your positive energy to us during the next week to help us over this final hurdle!

We will be updating our website during the next 2 weeks and will also be sending out our next online newsletter by the end of the month! Hopefully, we'll have lots of good news to tell you by then and we can begin lot and home sales! Please keep checking this section for updates. I will try to write weekly updates this month.

Read the January 20, 2002 article about Birds of a Feather in The Santa Fe New Mexican

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