Birds of a Feather


Jan 3, 2002

Happy New Year!

May you keep hold of your dreams no matter how many things conspire to keep you from them!

We have been experiencing a few problems with our website during the month of December.  I have not been able to upload information. which is the reason for the lengthy time between news updates.  Some of you may have also experienced problems with our mailing list sign-up form. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced.Our website hosts have finally fixed the problems and everything seems to be back in working order.

Everything continues to take longer than we had planned. but there is forward progress. The engineers will have the infrastructure design completed this week. Next week we will submit our final plat to the County for review and approval. They have 45 days to approve or make comments. We will also be sending the designs out to various contractors for bids. As soon as we get the bids back, we should be able to begin pricing of lots and homes. We are also working on the brochures so that they will be ready when we have pricing available.

We are busy choosing names for the streets in Birds of a Feather's new community. If any of you have any great ideas for street names, please send an-mail to us. We would love to have future residents assist us since this is your community!

We continue to have lots of visitors to the property!I have shown the property to several women from California, Colorado, New York and New Mexico in the past month! If you would like to visit the property just send us a note with the dates you will be in town.

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