Birds of a Feather


Oct 4, 2000

Delays, delays and more delays!

We are moving forward even if it's at a snail's pace. Our new hydrologist needs another month to complete his testing and write his report before we can appear before the San Miguel County Commissioners for preliminary approval.  We are attempting to address each and every issue and concern regarding water supply, so that the County Commissioners and future residents can rest assured that we have an adequate long-term (40+ years) water supply for the community.

One of the positive effects of all of the delays is that the Pecos Valley is getting new digital phone lines for more reliable and faster access to the Internet. Since the property is located in the Pecos Valley, we were pleased to learn that digital lines will be available when we need them.

I was invited to participate in the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation's 2000 Creating Change Conference in Atlanta in November. I accepted the invitation and will be presenting information about Birds of a Feather at a workshop called "Community Housing for our later years". We are excited about the opportunity to attend the conference and learn more from the participants about what is wanted and needed in a residential community.

Check back in a few weeks for the latest news!

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