Birds of a Feather


Dec 10, 2000

Bugs in the system

My apologies for not updating the news for such a long period of time and for any technical difficulties you may have recently experienced with our website. Unfortunately, our website host switched servers in December and all the "bugs" have not been worked out yet.  If you have signed up to be on our mailing list during December, we did not receive your information since that page was not working properly and still is not fixed (host is on vacation). We will fix this page as soon as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.  Please check back in a few days. We did receive all of the housing surveys and wish to thank you for participating in our study.

A decision was made by the team to drill a second well on the property that was almost twice as deep (760 ft.) as the first well (400 ft.). Our new hydrologists from Glorieta Geoscience, Jay Lazarus and Meghan Hodgins felt this was necessary to insure that there is an adequate long-term supply of water for the project. We wanted the State of New Mexico, San Miguel County and future residents of Birds of a Feather to be assured that there is an abundance of pure water available for many years to come.

The drilling took almost two months to complete because of equipment and weather problems (and the fact that they hit so much water the bottom of the well kept collapsing). The 106-hour pump test, which measures water draw down and recovery levels, was completed last week and was a total success! There is in fact an abundance of water available.

The next step towards receiving the long sought after approval from the County is for our attorney and hydrologist to have an informal meeting in January with County officials to discuss the new well and pump test results. We will no longer be making projections about exactly when these meetings will take place or when we anticipate receiving approval since delays seem to be a natural part of the development approval process. We will instead be taking one day at a time and doing what we need to do to keep the project moving forward!

Please continue to send your positive energy and continued support our way. We appreciate your patience and can only reassure you that Birds of a Feather's new community will become a reality and will be worth the wait! Thanks!

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